Trying to do something cool
I love working on projects and tend to take a more support role in them. I'm more interested in the end result of a product being interesting than being credited for it.
I do have a myriad of skills. This site is for myself mostly however, I hope you have fun and I hope there's at least some charm to it.
If you want some help with something cool let me know. My email is

It Me!
I don't feel the need to edit myself.
In the spirit of that I answer questions honestly and tend to be fairly transparent.
If you work with me you will find that I am generally pretty relaxed and agreeable. I like to think I work well with others and I have been told that I am a patient person.
I have a bachelors degree in the Fine Arts, a minor in art history, and a minor in analytical chemistry. I work mainly in optics and help run a small business. I used to be a freelance illustrator and now I work mainly on commissions part time.
I tend to get sucked into projects fairly easily and I enjoy learning new things. More complex problems are more fun for me because they provide challenge and I like being challenged.